Side by Side
This is actually a continuation of the post earlier. The same lovely gentleman who upon commissioning portraits of one of his granddaughter, reached out months later about his other younger one. The photos I received of her were adorable, and had a hard time narrowing down to which two to paint, but somehow I managed. That said, I also had to request for extra time to complete the paintings even prior to accepting the request, as my situation had changed since I shipped off the portraits he had commissioned earlier. Was very very lucky that he had faith in me and gave me more than a reasonable timeframe to complete the piece—and did I take my time.
It's not easy to have people have faith in you, especially if it is coming from someone who requested a one-of-a-kind piece that hasn't even been created yet. They can tell you all samples of your work they liked and have an idea of what they want, but for them to trust you enough with not only creative approaches but with a very loosely set timeframe, is a big ask. I wanted plenty of time to make sure that I was in the right mindset/space to be able to capture that sweet quality his little granddaughter had—and still does of course. I also debated for the longest time if I was going to paint some flowers in the background of the painting where she is sitting with a mirror in her hand, which was in the original photo provided to me. After going back and forth many times in my mind, decided against it and when I told that to "client" I was happy to hear that he felt the same—again, that's having faith in me, my decision to give it what I thought was needed white space and continuity of all 4 pieces that he commissioned.
He also mentioned that my pieces have the simplicity of haiga which is why he loved my work. From Wikipedia: hagia is a style of Japanese painting that incorporates the aesthetics of haikai. Haiga are typically painted by haiku poets (haijin), and often accompanied by a haiku poem. like the poetic form it accompanied, haiga was based on simple, yet often profound, observations of the everyday world.
To have him say that meant the world to me, as he got exactly what I wanted to convey all along—simplicity, calmness, joy, with a light poetic touch. and this is also about me being grateful and having faith in my clients/people who I am connected to.