It’s been 2 1/2 years since my last post. Lots have happened during this time, and am taking it slow to get back into posting—it’s like am waking up from a long hibernation. Will write about my reflections, so to say……
Completed—signed and framed
Commissioned Pieces I: am going to share with you some stories about the commissioned pieces that I have done over the past few years that I have to put down in words. For me, commissioning a piece is always very special, be it me asking for one, or being asked of one. For portraits that I do, I would always ask for a number of photos if possible that they particularly like of themselves or of the person they are asking to be painted. for there, I would come up with a sketch, sometimes two, and show it to the client, for a lack of a better word. once approved, the outlines are traced and traced again in ink to create the blotted lines, and once dried, painted in.
The correspondence/conversations and photo updates that fall in between are not short or few. I want to make sure that I get things right and have the person to be a part of the journey, since it's my piece as much as theirs. please swipe to see the progress of it.
This one was painted in my temporary home, and painting it brought me so much joy. Not only because it was requested by a person who valued art and anything beautiful—meaning made with love and craftsmanship, but his massive support of it. it also we have met up for coffees before and even after the piece was completed, and continue to do so. Our conversations covers so many aspects, and always full of good laughs.
It's a rare one, where I painted some leaves in the background, which I normally wouldn't do. However, it just felt right. I loved the original photo of him, very natural and humbled, and was very happy with my take on it. glad that his was too!